Changing Column Data with Canary Release Migration Strategy

3 min read

The Canary Release migration strategy is a technique that allows for making changes to a live database while reducing the risk of downtime and data loss. In this article, we will explore how to use the Canary Release migration strategy with PostgreSQL to change the data type of the existing table column, using SQL code examples to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Create a New Column

The first step in this migration strategy is to create a new column with the desired data type. This can be done using the ALTER TABLE statement.

ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN new_column new_data_type;

Step 2: Copy Data to the New Column

Once the new column has been created, you can copy the data from the old column to the new column. This can be done using the UPDATE statement.

UPDATE my_table SET new_column = CAST(old_column AS new_data_type);

Note that you may need to perform additional transformations on the data, depending on the specific data types involved.

Step 3: Modify Application Code

After copying the data to the new column, you can modify your application code to use the new column instead of the old column. This can be done by updating any SQL statements that reference the old column to use the new column instead.

Step 4: Deploy to a Small Subset of Users/Servers

Before deploying the changes to the entire system, you should deploy them to a small subset of users or servers first. This allows to test the changes in a controlled environment and ensure that everything is working as expected.

Step 5: Gradually Roll Out the Changes

Once you are satisfied that the changes are working as expected, you can gradually roll them out to the rest of the system. This can be done by deploying the changes to a larger subset of users/servers, and continuing to expand the rollout until the changes have been deployed to the entire system.

Step 6: Drop the Old Column

Finally, after the new column is being used by the application, and the changes have been rolled out to the entire system, you can drop the old column from the table. This can be done using the ALTER TABLE statement.
ALTER TABLE my_table DROP COLUMN old_column;


Using the Canary Release migration strategy with PostgreSQL can help you change the data type of the existing table column without risking downtime or data loss. By following the steps outlined in this article and using the SQL code examples provided, you can safely and efficiently make changes to your PostgreSQL database schema.